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Best Methods To Create Facebook Carousel Ads

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Best Methods To Create Facebook Carousel Ads

With billions of customers on Facebook, it’s a big opportunity for you to enhance your business reach and grab some loyal customers. And Facebook Carousel Ads are one of the forms of Facebook ads that can gain you more considering the brand engagement to your webpage.

With a Facebook carousel ad, you can display up to 10 pictures or videos in a single advertisement, and on each segment, you may add a lander link. With more new space, you can showcase different items, display particular information, or give a short brief about your product.

For example, you may also use streamlined discount templates with Facebook carousel ads. And there are many more possibilities that you may select according to your business strategy. When you get the one you want to tab on it and then make any changes, you feel adequate.

Facebook Carousel ads can gain up to 5 times more engagement to your page than static paid posts on Facebook. They are unique, engaging, and fascinate more consumers in comparison to paid posts.

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What Are Facebook Carousel Ads?

Customers search for informative content over traditional content patterns. It’s a fact! Facebook Carousel Ads are considered a more informative and engaging form of marketing that permits you to display variations with a mix of images and videos (Upto 10) in a single ad. Furthermore, you can attach CTA links to them.

Along with this, you can even showcase information regarding your item or deals inside the pictures, videos, or descriptions of your advertisement. Undoubtedly, it’s the best method to reach your loyal users and turn them into possible leads.

Few Facebook Carousel Ad Examples

Few Facebook Carousel Ad Examples

There are several different methods to use each carousel card in this ad pattern. Here are a few examples of carousel ads on Facebook.

Several items in a specific category

If you wish to display all sorts of information in a single product line, carousel ads on Facebook are the best tactics to use rather than putting several items in a single picture ad. One best example is this Mickey Mouse category ad which utilizes a single ad unit but features several items.

For this type of ad, you should put the top functioning card in the front position. 

Put the ad copy within the carousel pictures.

You can effortlessly utilize the initial text space, the front page, or even the ad specification to notify consumers why they require testing your items; you can add a banner image to the card itself.         

Brief information about Facebook Carousel Ad Specs

It is useful to understand the details, dimensions, and specs before you start working on making an ad in the carousel form. Here’s a convenient guide to check before creating your first carousel ad.

Specs while utilizing pictures

Picture File Format: JPG or PNG

Picture Size: As a minimum 1080px by 1080px

Image at least File Size contains: 30MB

Number of Carousel Cards: minimum 2, and maximum 10

Aspect Ratio: 1:1

Specs while Utilizing Videos 

Video File format: Mp4 or MOV or GIF

Video at least File format: 4 GB

Video Size: 1 sec up to 240 minutes

Video Ratio: 16:09

Text Specs

The suggested number of words in the headline text is 125. You can go beyond it, but you have to risk getting your text shortened and filled with unnecessary things. As for the front-page and carousel ad specification, the maximum is 40 and 20 characters, correspondingly.

How to create carousel ads on Facebook

Do you wish to make carousel ads on Facebook that generate traffic to your page? Here are a few tricks and tricks you can follow:

Tell an informative story. 

Always emphasize storytelling in your advertising event, and you will notice that your audiences are checking the messages you wish to provide. It is easier for users to skip ordinary facts and information, but people usually give value to informative stories. Most of the time user’s activities depend on sentiment and don’t act to be emotionless by nature.

So when you post a story through your advertisements, it generates a strong emotional bonding with your user. Search appropriate method through which you can put emotional efficacy into your Facebook carousel ads in a manner that will grab the consumer’s attention.

Give a demo of your items.

The method in which carousel ads on Facebook revolve creates them generic to give a product demo. It can target a single item you can make act sections for by showing it from different approaches.

Or you can use the creative tactics of displaying your most unique item, viewed by others which balances it. You can learn this trick by understanding the tricks of carousel ads through carousel ads examples.

Utilize social evidence to advertise conversions.

There are a lot of burdens that appear with giving social evidence to your consumers. You can prefer feedback, rankings, testimonials, and even fairy tales as social evidence. And they can support your progress the hazards of your conversions when they get offers at just the correct time.

The study displays that 92% of customers believe in good feedback when making a buying decision. Social evidence can be together with your advertising in carousel ads. It will permit you to showcase what you have to give when authorizing your sales.  

Why use Facebook carousel ads?

Facebook carousel ads

The carousel unique format can be a vast game-maker in your ad events. Let’s find out some of the usefulness of carousel ads below.


As explained, the carousel ad design can be preferred in so many different methods to generate traffic to your website and increase conversions.

Brands can express informative stories through a sequence of pictures, make a unique bunch of their items, and more.

Rather than pictures, you can have the option of videos to attach sound and performance, which creates your advertisement more fascinating.

Cut-off your costs

According to Facebook carousel ads assisted markets conducting a 30-50% lower value per conversion and 20-30% lower value for each click than solo-picture link ads.

Focus on the top outcomes

The best part user like about utilizing a carousel ad is that you can upgrade performance. Within Ads Manager, there’s a section to let Facebook automatically showcase the top-functioning cards first.

How to do carousel ads on Facebook?

Now you have a complete idea about the different formats of carousel ads you can make. So let’s give a view of the best uses you’ll need to follow:

Emphasis on best ad copy 

Keeping good quality pictures and unique formats is the technique to create your consumers stop sliding and take their consideration. But that’s insufficient to gain the cognizance, traffic, and conversions you want. Your ad will also have the best copywriting that is convincing.

  • Your ad copy should always line up your brand tone and be reliable with all of your additional copy.
  • Create different designs for your ads. Utilize different ad copies for each type of your user.
  • Always have a very noticeable CTA if you have a direct feedback ambition. 
  • Ensure that your CTA is small and that it matches your marketing event objectives. 
  • Make sure all of your components support each other
  • Utilize all of your carousel ad elements to express your storyline. 
  • Add fascinating pictures and videos. 
  • Link your Facebook carousel ad with your landing page.
  • The ad copy utilized in your formats must follow Facebook rules. Too large or too small content will gain lower traffic.


If you haven’t preferred carousel ads before, we suggest you add them to your ad. The carousel ad format will come up with better outcomes than other formats to support the progress of your business.

To maximize your efficacy, you have to keep in mind certain things, for example, focusing on the potential customer, retargeting those who explore your page regularly, and ensuring that you promote only the top-functioning content.

At PowerAdspy, you can effortlessly manage your whole advertising campaign.

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