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What is Facebook Marketplace?

Do you ever catch yourself wondering about how to sell on Facebook marketplace? Or how to get Facebook marketplace? Is it difficult, or is the lack of information the reason that makes it next to impossible? If you want to know how to sell something on Facebook marketplace,  the only thing you can do is […]

Best 11 Facebook Analytics Alternatives

Best 11 Facebook Analytics Alternatives

Facebook analytics is no longer available as of July 1, 2021. Facebook retired Facebook analytics tools as part of an initiative to consolidate business tools. Businesses need analytics data to refine strategy, measure its ROI (return on investment),  understand the performance of their content, how the audiences react to messages, and if they need improvement. […]


Facebook Competitor Tracking: Introduction and Its Benefits

Suppose you are genuinely interested in the social media winning race. In that case, it is evident that you have to work hard, even more, to get Facebook insights from competitors with the help of effective. Facebook competitor tracking so that you can effectively strategize things to win the race finally! But to apply the […]


Facebook Retargeting: Capitalize on Familiarity

Sometimes you will have customers step foot on your website and not make a purchase. Facebook retargeting works on this principle and reminds people where the products they are looking for are present. Let us take a deeper look into it! Listen To The Blog Post!   What Do Retargeting Facebook Ads Mean? Retargeting is […]

7 Potential Mistakes While Doing Facebook Ad Management For Client

Facebook advertising is the most effective way to get in front of your ideal customers and make a sale. As such, it’s also the most lucrative form of online marketing for many companies. Unfortunately, many brand managers struggle with their Facebook ad management because it’s not easy to know which ads are performing well and […]